Can you send me a free deck?

-No, I don't send free product unless its a giveaway

Will you sponsor me?

-No one gets a sponsor just by asking, you have to work for it.

Do you sponsor?


How can I get on the team?

-If I see that you have good style and/or have been supporting me hard, then I will come to you. Not the other way around.

Do you do customs/ How much is a custom?

-Yes, you can check out the custom option for prices


DO NOT TRY TO GET A SPONSOR!!!! Trying to get a sponsor is so hard, because your focused on trying to get one instead of having fun. SO JUST HAVE FUN!!! You never know, you might get really good one day and get a sponsor when you no longer looking for one!


If you would like for us to critique you skills, then email us your Sponsor me tape: [email protected]